This endpoint returns every company's response to SBTi, snapshotted once a week. Use the parameters to filter down the list.

Note the SBTi database has some inconsistencies. DitchCarbon has normalised the SBTi database to an extent, but there are still some problematic fields. As such, the parameters filters fields using a "contains" query. For example, providing isin=GB searches for all SBTi companies that have GB in their ISIN. Setting near_term_target_classification=Well-below 2 returns all SBTi companies that have set their near term target to "Well-below 2°C" but also those that set their near term targets to "Well-below 2°C/2°C".

The response is paginated. Increment the page parameter to load more results.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!