API Plans Overview

Our API offers multiple plans tailored to meet different levels of data granularity and user needs. Below is a detailed description of each plan and the type of data they provide.

1. Summary Plan

The Summary Plan provides a quick overview of key data points for the organization you are looking for. This plan is ideal for users who need a snapshot of a company's environmental performance without delving into detailed datasets.

Data Returned:

  • Basic Company Information:

    • Company ID
    • Company Name
    • Company Website
    • Status (e.g., "created")
    • Headquarters Region
  • Matching Organization Details:

    • Organization ID
    • Organization Link
    • Organization Name
    • Industry Details
    • Stock Tickers
  • Performance Data:

    • score
    • industry score percentile
    • rank
    • industry rank
    • region_rank
    • related environmental reports status
    • industry confidence
    • industry mean score

2. Detailed Plan

The Detailed Plan offers comprehensive data, providing a deep dive into a company's environmental performance metrics over multiple years. In this plan, emissions are calculated using company-specific emissions factors. This plan is suitable for users who require extensive and detailed datasets for analysis or reporting.

  • Extended Basic Company Information:

    • External ID
  • Performance Data for Multiple Years:

    • Year
    • Region
    • Performer Type (e.g., "Organization")
    • Emission Factors (Scope 1 and 2)
    • Revenue (with currency)
    • Detailed Emissions Breakdown:
      • Scope 1 Emissions:
        • Total
        • Stationary Combustion
        • Mobile Combustion
        • Fugitive Emissions
        • Process Emissions
      • Scope 2 Emissions:
        • Total
        • Purchased Electricity
        • Purchased Steam
        • Purchased Heat
        • Purchased Cooling
      • Scope 1 and 2 Combined:
        • Total
      • Scope 3 Emissions:
        • Total
        • Breakdown by Category (e.g., Purchased Goods and Services, Capital Goods, Business Travel, Employee Commute, etc.)
      • Total Emissions:
        • Scope 1 and 2 Total
        • Scope 3 Total
        • Combined Total Emissions
  • Source Information:

    • Source URL
    • Mirror URL
    • Accessed Date
  • Related Documents:

    • Document ID
    • Document URL
    • Permanent Mirror URL
    • Document Title
  • Industry Data:

    • Industry ID
    • Industry Name
    • Mean Score
    • Performance Data for the Industry (e.g., Emission Factors, Total Emissions)

3. SBTI Plan

The SBTI (Science-Based Targets Initiative) Plan focuses on a company's commitment to science-based targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This plan is ideal for users interested in a company's long-term climate commitments and progress towards net-zero emissions.

Data Returned:

  • Basic Company Information:

    • Company ID
    • Company Name
    • Company Website (if available)
    • External ID (if available)
    • Status (e.g., "created")
    • Headquarters Region
  • SBTI Data:

    • Retrieval Information:
      • Last Retrieved At
    • Target Data:
      • Near-Term Targets:
        • Has Target
        • Target Status (e.g., "set")
        • Target Year
      • Long-Term Targets:
        • Has Target
        • Target Status
        • Target Year
      • Net Zero Targets:
        • Has Target
        • Target Year
        • Target Status (e.g., "committed")
      • Business Ambition for 1.5°C:
        • Has Target
        • Joined At
      • Target Detail:
        • Description of Targets Covering Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Company Operations (Scopes 1 and 2)

Use Case Scenarios

  1. Summary Plan Use Cases:
    • Initial Screening: Can be used for initial assessments or when comparing multiple companies quickly.
    • Quick Reporting: Ideal for users who need a high-level overview of a company's environmental performance.
  2. Detailed Plan Use Cases:
    • In-depth Analysis: Suitable for users who require a detailed breakdown of emissions data and other performance metrics over multiple years.
    • Sustainability Reporting: Useful for companies preparing comprehensive sustainability or ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) reports.
    • Emissions calculations: Useful for calculating emissions using company-specific emission factors extracted from disclosures. This cannot be done with a summary plan as it is industry level and not specific to the organization.
  3. SBTI Plan Use Cases:
    • Climate Commitment Tracking: Ideal for users interested in a company's commitment to science-based targets and progress towards net-zero emissions.
    • Benchmarking: Helps in comparing the climate targets and commitments of different companies.

If you are unsure which plan best fits your needs or require additional information to make a decision, please do not hesitate to email us.