Data Dictionary

🌟 DitchCarbon Organization Data Dictionary

This document provides a comprehensive reference for all fields in the organization data schema, including their data types, definitions, and examples. Use this guide to integrate seamlessly with the API.

Field Definitions

ObjectFieldDefinitionData TypeExample
idUnique DitchCarbon identifier for an organizationnumber577889
nameName of the organizationstringapple
websiteThe organization's website or email address. e.g. or [email protected]string
external_idExternal id provided by a customer or a 3rd party provider such as DUNS or ISINstring150483782
statusThe research status of the organization's data. Values can be: created, locating, located, enriching, enriched, resolving, unresolved, researching, resolved, calculating, synced, waiting, erroredstringsynced
hq_regionISO 3166 two-letter country code for the country in which a business's registered headquarters are located.stringUS
hq_subregionISO 3166-2 two-letter code of the organization's headquarters subregion (for example, Ohio would be OH).stringOH
scoreDitchCarbon assessed score from 0 to 1 that indicates how well a given organization is performing, 0 being the worst and 1 being the best. Users typically represent this as a score between 0 and 100. See calculation methodology at
industry_score_percentileDitchCarbon assessed percentile of the organization's industry score in comparison to all other organizations in the same industry. A value of 80 means the organization is in the 80th percentilenumber94
industry_confidenceDitchCarbon confidence rating. If we've had to make assumptions about the organization's industry, this field will indicate how confident we are in our assumptions.
Values can be: low, medium or high
industry_rankDitchCarbon assessed rank of the organization's industry in comparison to all other industries.

Values can be: very_high, high, medium, low, very_low, unknown
stringvery low
region_rankDitchCarbon assessed rank of the organization's region in comparison to all other regions.

Values can be: very_high, high, medium, low, very_low, unknown
related_environmental_reports_statusStatus of the organization's environmental report.

Values can be: processing, found, not_found
industryidIndustry Id as listed on source EEIO databasesstringind_6bdfe996
industrynameIndustry name as listed on source EEIO databasesstringComputer and related services (72)
industrymean_scoreDitchCarbon scores of every company in that industry averaged by the amount of companies in that industry.number0.23
industryperformances.yearThe year that the industry GHG emissions data refers to.date2023
industryperformances.regionISO 3166 two-letter country code of the organization's headquarters or GLOBAL.stringGLOBAL
industryperformances.ghg_emission_factors.ghg_emission_factors.co2eThe rate at which a given industry releases carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) into the atmosphere. This includes Scope 1 + 2 + upstream Scope 3. Measured in kgCo2e/USD (please note if a new base currency is entered via API this data point will be amended accordingly).number0.087254902
industryperformances.ghg_emission_factors.ghg_emission_factors.co2The rate at which a given industry releases carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. This includes Scope 1 + 2 + upstream Scope 3. Measured in kgCo2e/USD (please note if a new base currency is entered via API this data point will be amended accordingly).number0.081801471
industryperformances.ghg_emission_factors.ghg_emission_factors.ch4The rate at which a given industry releases methane (CH4) into the atmosphere. This includes Scope 1 + 2 + upstream Scope 3. Measured in kgCo2e/USD (please note if a new base currency is entered via API this data point will be amended accordingly).number0.081801471
industryperformances.ghg_emission_factors.ghg_emission_factors.n2oThe rate at which a given industry releases Nitrous oxide (N2O) into the atmosphere. This includes Scope 1 + 2 + upstream Scope 3. Measured in kgCo2e/USD (please note if a new base currency is entered via API this data point will be amended accordingly).number0.081801471
industryperformances.ghg_emission_factors.ghg_emission_factors.otherThe rate at which a given industry releases other GHGs (not specifically listed) into the atmosphere. This includes Scope 1 + 2 + upstream Scope 3. Measured in kgCo2e/USD (please note if a new base currency is entered via API this data point will be amended accordingly).number0.081801471
industryperformances.source.urlURL link to document source of the industry emission figuresstring
matching_organizationidUnique DitchCarbon identifier for potential organizations matched from initial input namenumber209
matching_organizationlinkURL to DitchCarbon's website showing the sustainability report and carbon intensity ranking for the given matching company.string
matching_organizationnameInput organization name used to search for matching organizations.stringApple
matching_organizationnames.valuePotential matching organizations resulting from name search stringstringapple; apple-distribution
matching_organizationwebsites.valuePotential matching URLs of organization's website resulting from name search stringstring;
matching_organizationhq_regionISO 3166 two-letter country code of the potential matching organization's headquartersstringUS
matching_organizationhq_subregionISO 3166-2 two-letter code of the potential matching organization's headquarters subregion (for example, Ohio would be OH).stringOH
matching_organizationindustry.idPotential matching organization's industry IDnumber170
matching_organizationindustry.namePotential matching organization's industry namestringComputer and related services (72)
matching_organizationtickers.exchangePrimary exchange where the potential matching organization is listed.stringNASDAQ
matching_organizationtickers.symbolExchange symbol for potential matching organizations.stringAAPL
performancesyearThe year that the organization's GHG emissions data refers to.number2022
performancesregionISO 3166 two-letter country code of the organization's headquartersstringUS
performancesemission_factorOrganization's total reported scope 1 + 2 + 3 GHG emissions divided by the organization's revenue. Measured in kgCo2e/USD (please note if a new base currency is entered via API this data point will be amended accordingly).number0.88
performancesperformer_typeThe type of organization that the data pertains to. Values can be: Industry, OrganizationstringOrganization
performancestotal_upstream_emission_factorOrganization's reported total scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions + scope 3 categories 1-8 (i.e., upstream scope 3) divided by organization's revenue. This field is only calculated if the reporting company has disclosed all relevant upstream scope 3 categories for their industry, based on meta-analysis of emissions reportsnumber.0.026147384
performancesscope_1_and_2_emission_factorOrganization's reported total scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions divided by organization's revenuenumber0.000152889
performancesrevenue_currencyISO three-letter currency code for the organization's revenuestringUSD
performancesrevenueThe total amount of money brought in by an organization's operations (gross income before subtracting any expenses), measured over a financial year.number3.83285E+11
performancesemissions.scope_1.totalThe total reported direct greenhouse gas GHG emissions from the organization's owned or controlled sources, in kgCO2e.number55200000
performancesemissions.scope_1.stationary_combustionThe organization's reported total GHG emissions from burning fuels in stationary equipment, such as boilers, furnaces, or generators. These are typically found in heating, power generation facilities, or specific industrial processes. Measured in in kgCO2e.number35300000
performancesemissions.scope_1.mobile_combustionThe organization's reported total GHG emissions from burning fuel in a company's fleet of vehicles, such as cars, trucks, and vans, in kgCO2e.number17000000
performancesemissions.scope_1.fugitive_emissionsThe organization's reported total GHG emissions from unintentional or gradual leaks of greenhouse gases, such as from refrigeration or air conditioning units. Measured in in kgCO2e.number3040000
performancesemissions.scope_1.process_emissionsThe organization's reported total GHG emissions from physical or chemical processes, such as fumes released during manufacturing. Measured in kgCO2e.number5040000
performancesemissions.scope_1.sumThe sum of the organization's reported scope 1 categories. Measured in kgCO2e.number52300000
performancesemissions.scope_2.totalThe total reported indirect GHG emissions from the generation of purchased energy used by the organization. Measured in kgCO2e.number3090000
performancesemissions.scope_2.purchased_electricityThe organization's reported total GHG emissions from the purchase of electricity. This type of energy is used by almost all companies. It is used to operate machines, lighting, electric vehicle charging, and certain types of heat and cooling systems. Measured in kgCO2e.number210000
performancesemissions.scope_2.purchased_steamThe organization's reported total GHG emissions from the purchase of steam. Steam is used in the industrial processes for mechanical work, heat, or directly as a process medium. Measured in kgCO2e.number9957000
performancesemissions.scope_2.purchased_heatThe organization's reported total GHG emissions from unintentional or gradual leaks of greenhouse gases, such as from refrigeration or air conditioning units. Measured in kgCO2enumber.839200
performancesemissions.scope_2.purchased_coolingThe organization's reported total GHG emissions from the purchase of cooling. Cooling may be produced from electricity or through the distribution of cooled air or water. Measured in kgCO2e.number1090000
performancesemissions.scope_2.total_location_basedThe organization's reported total GHG emissions from the purchase of cooling. Cooling may be produced from electricity or through the distribution of cooled air or water. Measured in kgCO2e.number1206700000
performancesemissions.scope_2.total_market_basedThe organization's reported market based total scope 2 GHG emissions. This calculates GHG emissions based on the energy source that a company has chosen, rather than the GHG emissions intensity of the local grid. This method uses contractual instruments, such as energy attribute certificates (EACs), to track the origin of electricity and calculate GHG emissions. Measured in kgCO2e.number3998000
performancesemissions.scope_1_and_2.totalThe organization's reported total scope 1 + scope 2 GHG emissions. Measured in kgCO2e.number3770000
performancesemissions.scope_2.sumThe sum of the organization's disclosed scope 2 categories. Measured in kgCO2e.number40000
performancesemissions.scope_1_and_2.location_basedThe organization's reported scope 1 GHG emissions + the organization's reported location based total scope 2 GHG emissions. Measured in kgCO2e.number98540000
performancesemissions.scope3.totalThe organization's reported total scope 3 GHG emissions. Scope 3 encompasses GHG emissions that are not produced by the company itself and are not the result of activities from assets owned or controlled by them, but by those that it's indirectly responsible for up and down its value chain. An example of this is when we buy, use and dispose of products from suppliers. Measured in kgCO2e.number16100000000
performancesemissions.scope_1_and_2.total_market_basedThe organization's reported scope 1 GHG emissions + the organization's reported market based total scope 2 GHG emissions. Measured in kgCO2e.number12970000
performancesemissions.scope3.purchased_goods_and_servicesThe organization's reported indirect GHG emissions that occur from the consumption of raw materials, components, packaging, and services used to create and distribute a company's products. Measured in kgCO2e.number9400000000
performancesemissions.scope3.capital_goodsThe organization's reported indirect GHG emissions that occur from the production of capital goods. Capital goods are durable products that have a long life, such as equipment, machinery, buildings, facilities, and vehicles. Measured in kgCO2e.number563000
performancesemissions.scope3.fuel_and_energy_related_activitiesThe organization's reported indirect GHG emissions that occur from the production, transmission, and delivery of fuels and energy purchased by a company. Measured in kgCO2e.number2980000
performancesemissions.scope3.upstream_transportation_and_distributionThe organization's reported indirect GHG emissions that occur when they transport and distribute purchased goods, raw materials, and other inputs. Measured in kgCO2e.number2395000
performancesemissions.scope3.waste_generated_in_operationsThe organization's reported indirect GHG emissions that occur by the disposal and treatment of waste generated in the organization's operations in the reporting year in facilities not owned or controlled by the organization. Measured in kgCO2e.number8940000
performancesemissions.scope3.business_travelThe organization's reported indirect GHG emissions that result from employee transportation for work-related activities, for example flights, hotel stays, rental cars etc. Measured in kgCO2e.number225700000
performancesemissions.scope3.employee_commuteThe organization's reported indirect GHG emissions that result from employees traveling to and from work. Measured in kgCO2e.number337600000
performancesemissions.scope3.upstream_leased_assetsThe organization's reported indirect GHG emissions that result from assets leased by a company that are not included in the company's scope 1 or scope 2 inventories. Examples include office spaces, manufacturing facilities, equipment, vehicles, and heavy machinery. Measured in kgCO2e.number89453000
performancesemissions.scope3.downstream_transportation_and_distributionThe organization's reported indirect GHG emissions that result from the movement of products from a company to the customer. Measured in kgCO2e.number4753000
performancesemissions.scope3.processing_of_sold_productsThe organization's reported indirect GHG emissions that result when a sold product undergoes further processing or transformation by a third party before it reaches the end consumer. Measured in kgCO2e.number859300
performancesemissions.scope3.use_of_sold_productsThe organization's reported indirect GHG emissions that result when the company's sold products are used by consumers. Measured in kgCO2e.number9000
performancesemissions.scope3.end_of_life_treatment_of_sold_productsThe organization's reported indirect GHG emissions that occur when a company's products are disposed of or recycled after they are no longer usable. Measured in kgCO2e.number89466000
performancesemissions.scope3.downstream_leased_assetsThe organization's reported indirect GHG emissions from assets that a company owns and leases to other entities including manufacture, transport, storage, use, and end-of-life treatment. Examples can include vehicles, buildings, or machinery that a company leases to other entities. Measured in kgCO2e.number8950300
performancesemissions.scope3.franchisesThe organization's reported indirect GHG emissions that come from a company's franchised outlets. Measured in kgCO2e.number4790000
performancesemissions.scope3.investmentsThe organization's reported indirect GHG emissions that come from a company's financial investments. These financial investments can be equity investments, debt investments, project finance or managed investments and client services. Measured in kgCO2e.number7490000
performancesemissions.scope3.sumThe sum of the organization's disclosed scope 3 categories. Measured in kgCO2e.number89403000
performancesEmissions.totalThe sum of the organization's disclosed scope 1+2+3. If both scope 2 market and location methods are disclosed, this uses market-based. Measured in kgCO2e.number3.735E+11
performancesEmissions.organization_declared_totalThe organization's disclosed total emissions. Measured in kgCO2e.number3.735E+11
performancesEmissions.scope_1_emissions[Legacy field - Please note this field is scheduled to be depreciated] The total reported direct greenhouse gas GHG emissions from the organization's owned or controlled sources.number55200000
performancesEmissions.scope_2_emissions[Legacy field - Please note this field is scheduled to be depreciated] The total reported indirect GHG emissions from the generation of purchased energy used by the organization. Measured in kgCO2e.number9503000
performancesEmissions.scope_1_and_2_emissions[Legacy field - Please note this field is scheduled to be depreciated] The organization's reported total scope 1 + scope 2 GHG emissions. Measured in kgCO2e.number894000
performancesEmissions.scope_3_emissions[Legacy field - Please note this field is scheduled to be depreciated] The organization's reported total scope 3 GHG emissions. Scope 3 encompasses GHG emissions that are not produced by the company itself and are not the result of activities from assets owned or controlled by them, but by those that it's indirectly responsible for up and down its value chain. An example of this is when we buy, use and dispose of products from suppliers. Measured in kgCO2e.number16100000000
performancesEmissions.total_emissions[Legacy field - Please note this field is scheduled to be depreciated] The sum of the organization's disclosed scope 1 + 2 +3 GHG emissions. Measured in kgCO2e.number9482000
performancesproduction_emission_factors.categoryThe Combined Nomenclature category of the production emission factor.
performancesproduction_emission_factors.combined_nomenclature_codeThe Combined Nomenclature code of the production emission factor.
DitchCarbon use the 4 digit HS codes, which are the first 4 digits of the 8 digit CN code.
performancesproduction_emission_factors.commodity_unitThe unit of the production emission factor.
For example, tonnes for concrete, count for employees.
performancesproduction_emission_factors.valueThe production emission factor in kgCO2e per commodity unit.number0.0199
performancesproduction_emission_factors.net_gross_indicatorThe net or gross indicator of the production emission factor. Gross means the factor includes all GHG emissions physically output from the activity. Net means the factor has been adjusted. Common adjustments are reductions of GHG emissions from purchases of renewable energy certificates or carbon offsets. Values can be: not_specified, gross, netstringgross
performancesproduction_emission_factors.scopeThe GHG emissions scopes covered by the production emission factor.
e.g. scope_1 means the factor covers scope 1 GHG emissions.

Values can be: scope_not_specified, scope_1, scope_2, scope_1_and_2, scope_3, all_scopes
performancesproduction_emission_factors.textThe production emissions factor text pulled from the source document
e.g. Specific CO2 GHG emissions - gross
stringGreenhouse gas intensity (Scope 1 and 2) Exploration, production and LNG
performancesdocuments.idUnique DitchCarbon identifier for a source documentnumber234
performancesdocuments.urlURL of the source documentstring
performancesdocuments.permenant_mirror_urlDitchCarbon's permanent copy url for source documentstring
performancesdocuments.titleTitle of source documentstringbp sustainability report 2022
performancesdocuments.assurances.coverageScope covered by assurance report. scope_1, scope_2, scope_3, or unspecified.stringscope_1
performancesdocuments.assurances.levelThe strictness of assurance conducted. Values an be no_assurance, limited, reasonable, or unspecifiedstringlimited
performancesdocuments.assurances.assurerThe third party auditor providing assurance.stringDeloitte LLP
performancesdocuments.assurances.textThe text outlining the assurance.stringIndependent limited Assurance Report by Deloitte LLP to BP p.l.c. on
selected sustainability metrics within the sustainability report and the
ESG datasheet for the reporting year ended 31 December 2023.
performancesdocuments.assurances.urlURL to a supporting document (if provided).string
sourceid[Legacy field - Please note this field is scheduled to be depreciated] Unique DitchCarbon identifier for a source document
sourceurl[Legacy field - Please note this field is scheduled to be depreciated] URL of the source documentstring
sourcemirror_url[Legacy field - Please note this field is scheduled to be depreciated] DitchCarbon's copy url for source documentstring
sourcesource.accessed_at[Legacy field - Please note this field is scheduled to be depreciated] Date and time which DitchCarbon retrieve the documentdate2023-08-23T16:18:48.821Z
similar_companiesname[Legacy field - Please note this field is scheduled to be depreciated] Name of organizations producing similar goods or services. For example Apple and Microsoft.stringMicrosoft
similar_companieswebsite[Legacy field - Please note this field is scheduled to be depreciated] Website of organizations producing similar goods or services.string
cdplast_retrieved_atLast date that DitchCarbon updated CDP data. CDP publish annually.date45624
cdpis_listedWhether the organization is listed on CDP. Values can be true or false.booleanTRUE
cdpurlURL link to organization's CDP entry.string
climate_pledgesignedWhether the organization has signed up to the climate pledge. Values can be true or false.booleanTRUE
climate_pledgedateDate the organization signed up to the climate pledge.date2021-04-20T00:00:00.000Z
climate_pledgelinkURL link to organization's Climate Pledge entry.string
sbtilast_retrieved_atLast date that DitchCarbon updated SBTi data. SBTI publish weekly.date06/12/2024
sbtidata.created_atDate from SBTi that the target was set.date01/05/2021
sbtidata.retrieved_atLast date that DitchCarbon updated SBTi data. SBTI publish weekly.date22/06/2023
sbtidata.near_term.has_targetWhether a near-term target has been set by an organization. Values can be: True or false.booleanTRUE
sbtidata.near_term.targetThe organization's near term temperature alignment target. Values can be: 1.5°C, well-below 2°C, or 2°C.stringwell-below 2°C
sbtidata.near_term.target_statusWhether a near-term target has been set by an organization. Near-term targets outline the amount by which organizations will reduce their GHG emissions, usually over the next 5-10 years.Values can be: Targets Set, Commited or Removed.stringset
sbtidata.near_term.target_yearThe year that the organization are targeting to achieve their near term GHG emissions reduction.date2030
sbtidata.long_term.has_targetWhether a long term target has been set by an organization. Values can be: True or false.booleanTRUE
sbtidata.long_term.targetThe organization's long term temperature alignment target. Values can be: 1.5°C, well-below 2°C, or 2°C.string1.5
sbtidata.long_term.target_statusThe status of the long-term target of the organization. Values can be: Targets Set, Commited or Removed.stringcommitted
sbtidata.long_term.target_yearThe year that the organization are targeting to achieve their long term GHG emissions reduction.date2040
sbtidata.net_zero.has_targetWhether the organization has committed to net-zero. Values can be: true or falsebooleanFALSE
sbtidata.net_zero.target_statusWhether a net zero target has been set by an organization. Values can be: Targets Set, Commited or Removed.stringcommitted
sbtidata.net_zero.target_yearThe year that the organization are targeting to achieve their net zero GHG emissions reduction.date2050
sbtibusiness_ambition_1_5.has_targetWhether the organization joined the Business Ambition for 1.5°C. Business Ambition for 1.5°C was a campaign aimed at driving the adoption of science-based targets in line with the most ambitious goal of the Paris Agreement - 1.5°C. Values can be true or false.stringTRUE
sbtibusiness_ambition_1_5.joined_atDate that the organization joined the Business Ambition for 1.5°C. Business Ambition for 1.5°C was a campaign aimed at driving the adoption of science-based targets in line with the most ambitious goal of the Paris Agreement - 1.5°C.date01/04/2021
sbtitarget_detailDescription of each of an organization's individual targets validated by the SBTi and used for target analysis.stringThe targets covering greenhouse gas emissions from company operations (scopes 1 and 2) are consistent with reductions required to keep warming to 1.5°C
unlast_retrieved_atLast date that DitchCarbon updated UNGC data.date23/07/2023
unurlURL link to organization's United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) entry.string
uninitiatives.nameName of the UNGC initiative (s) the organization has signed up to.stringClimate Ambition Accelerator
uninitiatives.slugUNGC initiatives slug (descriptive text that appears at the end of a URL to identify a web page)stringclimate-ambition-accelerator
recommended_actionsidUnique DitchCarbon identifier for a recommended actionnumber3059
recommended_actionsemissions_categoryGHG emissions category that the DitchCarbon recommended action pertains to.stringscope_3/purchased_goods_and_services
recommended_actionsrecommended_actionsSuggested actions to take to encourage the organization to reduce emissions in the GHG emissions categorystringSource ingredients and raw materials from suppliers who practice sustainable agriculture and production methods, emphasizing low-carbon and energy-efficient processes.,
recommended_actionsapproximate_savingsApproximate GHG emissions savings by carrying out the recommended actionsnumber0.25
recommended_actionscase_studyRelevant case studies demonstrating GHG emissions reductions by implementing recommended actionsstringNestlé, a global food corporation, is piloting net-zero farms and partnering with the US dairy industry to implement new technologies and economically viable practices. They are also caring for grassland to store more carbon by using regenerative agriculture and organic fertilizers.
recommended_actionscase_study_source_urlURL link to the relevant case studystring
recommended_actionssuggested_contract_termSuggested terms to put into contract with the organization.stringSupplier commits to implement a comprehensive sustainability assessment for all suppliers within one year, focusing on their carbon footprint and the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices, while also encouraging the use of regenerative agricultural methods, including crop rotation and reduced tillage. Furthermore, Supplier shall develop a transparent supply chain tracking system to monitor and manage the carbon emissions of purchased goods and services, with initial progress demonstrated within 18 months.
recommended_actionsquestion_to_ask_at_qbrRelevant questions designed to reduce organization's GHG emissions to ask at the quarterly business review (QBR).stringCan you provide details on the sustainability practices of your suppliers and how you ensure they align with your emissions reduction goals?
recommended_actionsupdated_atDate and time DitchCarbon last updated the specific recommendationstring2024-10-01T15:42:14.988Z